Tag Archives: private-or-low

Kim Kardashian Charges $600,000 Just to Have Her Boring A$$ Show Up Somewhere New Year’s Eve

Kim Kardashian, at the end of the day, is just not that interesting. She’s rich. She has above-average looks and siblings with names also beginning in K. Ray J made love to her and filmed it from numerous angles . She’s dated a lot of professional athletes. She got fake married on TV. You know the story. Despite ridiculous overexposure and a personality rivaling drying paint on the excitement scale, she rakes in monstrous amounts of kash just for being her. Six hundred grand, astonishingly, for showing up Saturday at Tao Las Vegas: The New York Post konfirms that the former Mrs. Kris Humphries will be at Tao in Sin City “as part of a larger deal worth up to $600,000 for multiple appearances.” Everyone gets a piece of the boring action! New Year’s Eve appearances represent the easiest money around for stars from A-to-Z-list, as clubs and venues across the U.S. look to market extravagant soirees. Earlier today, we told you how Lindsay Lohan actually passed on similar offers, choosing to avoid temptation and spend a private, low-key NYE with her family. Kim had no such kwalms, however. This is what she does. It’s unklear if Kim even knows the definition of private or low-key. Or marriage for that matter.

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Kim Kardashian Charges $600,000 Just to Have Her Boring A$$ Show Up Somewhere New Year’s Eve