Tag Archives: producer-make

Amandla Stenberg, Hunger Games Star, Responds to Racist Tweets

Amandla Stenberg, the 13-year old actress who plays Rue in The Hunger Games , has spoken out on the unexpected, ignorant, racist controversy that has somehow enveloped her beloved character. In response to posts on Twitter that dared to wonder why Rue was portrayed by an African-American on screen – one actually wrote: “Why did the producer make all the good characters black?” – Stenberg has taken the mature road and released a statement that reads: “As a fan of the books, I feel fortunate to be part of The Hunger Games family. It was an amazing experience; I am proud of the film and my performance. I want to thank all of my fans and the entire Hunger Games community for their support and loyalty.” No, thank YOU, Amandla, for bringing such an important character to life. You can’t see us at the moment, but take our word for it: we’re holding up three fingers in your honor.

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Amandla Stenberg, Hunger Games Star, Responds to Racist Tweets