Tag Archives: properly-suited

January Jones Single Mother Tits of the Day

January Jones posted some pics of her single mom tits in a bathing suit – that is properly suited for bathing suit for an old bitch like January Jones….in a world where old ladies seem to think the Two Pieces are the answer…when really one pieces can be just as hot if the torso is long enough and jacks up into their cunts…cunts that in January Jones case have been cummed inside by a rich guy who remained anonymous but who probably pays his child support because as you know Hollywood is a place where creepy married rich dudes get to fuck the tits they cast in movies…it’s just how it works… People are apparently into her tits…so here it is… Call me modern, updated, new age, innovative, ahead of the curve, into young slutty chicks…where cleavage doesn’t quite excite me…you see I wasn’t raised mormon, in the church or as an arab, I was not raised in the 1940s and 1950s where people were conservative…I’m the throat fucking generation…and like my whores to whore….call me crazy…because I am crazy… Either way, some shameless fourth of july good excuse to post tits tits…. The post January Jones Single Mother Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones Single Mother Tits of the Day