Tag Archives: properly-wipe

Joanna Krupa’s Costume of the Day

Joanna Krupa is the kind of girl, if you can actually call her a girl, she’s more of a hooker who milks any opportunity she can, and in being that would fucking loves Halloween…because of the opportunity it gives her to get in high production costumes, hoping they go viral, hoping people notice, hoping they make it in the tabloids… It is a perfect excuse to go all out – to whore for the paparazzi as they do…because she’s got nothing else going on and she can put her whole day into it, and she can spend the money she’s made being a hooker publicly on TV that pays well… she has to get into costume…. So a whore / whoring…..doing whore shit on Halloween in her 40s….interesting…..typical…and would be interesting if she wasn’t a whore…who lives her life in costume… Here are her costumes…with some nipple slip to make it matter…she’s got a hot body… TO SEE MORE CELEBS DRESSED UP CLICK HERE The post Joanna Krupa’s Costume of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Joanna Krupa’s Costume of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio as Jessica Rabbit of the DAy

I guess Alessandra Ambrosio is putting her new fake tits to use…dressed as Jessica Rabbit…something that would probably make you Roger Rabbit fetishists come yourself… Part of me loves seeing hot models in costumes showing off their bodies….even when they are old, even after having a kid…because models…bounce back from childbirth, their lives and bank accounts rely on it….unlike lying housewives from all walks of life who don’t bounce back from the hell that is child birth…. Now that doesn’t mean her vagina is well contained…but we can’t tell from these shitty pics….but it’s Halloween…so yay…I guess…whatever…just go outside and see all the slutty pussy being slutty pussy…as slutty pussy tends to be… TO SEE MORE CELEBS DRESSED UP CLICK HERE The post Alessandra Ambrosio as Jessica Rabbit of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alessandra Ambrosio as Jessica Rabbit of the DAy

Ariel Winter’s Fat Ass Has a Bunny Tail of the Day

Ariel Winter was dressed as a fat girl confident in her body – thanks to having a lot of money and being praised by the masses, but more importantly her immediate circle for so many years, allowing her to have an ego and filter to filter out the haters…so that she can live a life of confidence….and half nakedness because it feels good to expose yourself to the world… I guess…she’s dressed as a fat girl with a fat ass that has a white cotton ball lodged in her that she was trying to use to properly wipe her fat ass because it’s hard to reach due to obesity…and it got stuck… Or maybe it’s just a slutty bunny tail butt plug…from fetish porn she was filming to make her feel like art…. Or maybe…she’s a Playboy bunny because original costume ideas is theme of every Halloween…I guess we can say at least she’s not Harley Quinn… Here’s some more…. TO SEE MORE CELEBS DRESSED UP CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter’s Fat Ass Has a Bunny Tail of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter’s Fat Ass Has a Bunny Tail of the Day