Protester Shot During Charlotte Protests As protesters flooded the streets of Charlotte to protest the senseless police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott as he sat peacefully reading a book …chaos has slowly descended on the ciy — culminating in the near-fatal shooting of a protester. Via CNN : One person was shot Wednesday night during a protest over a deadly police shooting in Charlotte, city officials said. The person, who was not identified, is in critical condition and on life support, the city tweeted. Earlier the city had tweeted that the person had died. One police officer was injured, according to a city tweet. The officer was transported to a hospital with undisclosed injuries. The riots and protests came on a day in which the city’s police chief gave more details on the shooting that took the life of Keith Lamont Scott. Many rioters and protesters dispersed after police fired tear gas before 11 p.m. ET. But some on the ground say there is a major discrepancy in what the news is reporting and what really occurred. Clergy members on the scene wanted it known that they saw an OFFICER fire on protesters in what they describe as an “ambush” by armed cops on the peaceful crowd… Even a reporter from Daily Mail witnessed the protester get shot senselessly… Naturally, Charlotte news outlets maintain that it isn’t true and a random civilian did the shooting instead. SMH. Tensions are HIGH in Charlotte right now. Hopefully everyone can stay safe for the remainder of the evening. We’ll follow this story as it continues to develop… CNN
Originally posted here:
Protester Reportedly Shot In Head During Charlotte Protests — Witnesses Claim Police Fired Shot