Tag Archives: public-during

Caitlyn Jenner bathing suit pictures

Caitlyn Jenner was seen for the first time in a swimsuit in public during Sunday#39;s episode of the E! reality series I Am Cait “Caity, have you been swimming#x003f;” Caitlyn Jenner#39;s friend Jenny Boylan asks the 65-year-old. “Have you been swimming in your own bathing suit yet#x003f;” “No. Well, I#39;ve been in the bathing suit but I…I haven#39;t been in the pool,” Cait admits. “It#39;s too damn cold right now.” “For me anyway it was an incredible moment when I got in [the pool],” Boyl

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Caitlyn Jenner bathing suit pictures

Amy Childs’ Sexy Daytime Bedroom Wear

Who doesn’t love a girl who wears their sexy undergarments out in public during the day? It shows confidence. Some women may find Amy Child ‘s outfit to be slutty, but that’s just their insecurities getting the better of them. Here at Hollywood Tuna, we don’t like self conscious chicks. It’s ugly! So good for Amy Childs and her scantily clad ways. She should be a role model for young women everywhere!

Erykah Badu’s Nude Video Shoot — You So Fined

Filed under: Erykah Badu , Celebrity Justice Erykah Badu has finally paid the price for whipping out her lady parts in public during a music video shoot in Dallas, Texas back in March …