Tag Archives: public-thinks

Critics Choice Awards of the Day

I think it is safe to say that there are not enough awards celebrating people who have already won. You know the majority of these actors work 20 weeks a year…and the rest of the time, they’ve got very little to do… So why not dress up, get your hair and make-up done, and pretend you’re important…or whatever…because thanks to whatever scam you’ve pulled off…the general public thinks that you are…and with nonsense like this…they just keep fucking encouraging you and telling yo you that you’ve done right, you’ve done good, that your role in some bullshit made up movie inspired some kid to beat cancer…you useless fucking distraction from the real problems…because everyone wants to be famous…except me.. Here’s a round up of the pics featuring Leslie Mann, Jen Aniston, Genesis Rodriguez and Angelina Jolie… TO SEE ALL THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Critics Choice Awards of the Day