Tag Archives: pull-out-its

Creepy Jessica Simpson Pic of the Day

I don’t know why but this Jessica Simpson picture she posted on social media – creeps me out. She’s got more make-up on than a haggard porn star trying to cover up her herpes and/or meth scabs, a black eye from an abusive husband, and they years of sadness that being a haggard pornstar has done to her….all while trying to be hot enough for dudes to jerk off to her while taking loads to her face…which isn’t that much of an accomplishment – since dudes will jerk off to anything…including an old Mom Jessica Simpson and her big tits channelling a porn chick…all fake lips pursed and smokey dead eyes the way we like em…a botox fail to some is a botox win to others…while staring at her good old wholesome country tits. The post Creepy Jessica Simpson Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Creepy Jessica Simpson Pic of the Day

Ella Merryweather is Hot of the Day

Ella Merryweather has nipples, like most girls – and really most guys – but we try not to think about that – because thinking about man nipple – especially when looking at woman nipple…is pretty fucking gay…. She’s not a famous model, she’s got almost zero followers in a world where social media following is more important than anything and everything…but she’s fucking lovely as fuck…and I’m not just saying that because she’s showing her nipples, I am saying it because she’s British and has one of the most ridiculous British names…one you’d expect to be the name of a raincoat store or a fucking tea and crumpet house…or even a pub…”Merryweather”….but from my experience with British woman, this one doesn’t look like a drunk Chimney Sweeper with less of a beard…and less willingness to pull out its dick in public…because if you’ve ever been drunk with a Briton, they will always end up flashing cock, it’s a side effect of the accent…but rather she is more of an angel sent from titty modeling heaven… That’s all I got…which isn’t much….but it’s more than me not bothering to post, which would probably do myself and the world some good… The post Ella Merryweather is Hot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Ella Merryweather is Hot of the Day