Ladies, this guy grew up to be quite a handsome gentleman. This happy little birthday boy has said to deliver “magic” performances on the big screen and known to handle is business out on Jump St. Any idea who he is? Hit the flipper to find out if you’re right. Image via Twitter
SMH. You don’t have to be a beanpole to tote pom-poms ! The saddest part of this entire thing is the idea of one woman publicly ridiculing another… Via NY Daily News reports : A CBS blogger is under fire after ridiculing an NBA cheerleader for her weight, asking readers, is this girl “too chunky” to cheer? The post was written by CBS Houston sex writer Claire Crawford, reportedly a pen name for Anna-Megan Raley. It was removed from the website Wednesday afternoon, but cached versions are still available. Crawford calls Oklahoma City Thunder cheerleader Kelsey Williams a “pretty blonde,” but points out the “pudginess” around her waistline. “But if she’s comfortable wearing that tiny outfit and dancing for NBA fans, then good for her,” Crawford wrote. “Besides … not every man likes women to be toothpick skinny. In fact, I’d say most men prefer a little extra meat on her bones. Am I right?” Oklahoma beat the Houston Rockets at a home game Sunday. Disgusted commenters called the post “useless” and “pathetic.” “It’s articles like this that lead young women and girls to anorexia and bulimia,” one reader wrote. Others called for the author to be fired. Previous articles by Crawford, described as a “racy relationship columnist” have been removed from CBS Houston’s website. We’re glad that CBS decided to pull the story. Props to Kelsey for twerking that thang proudly. Keep your head up shawty, don’t let the haters get you down just cuz they ain’t ready for that jelly! AP