Tag Archives: pure-headassery

Chris Long Defends Kaepernick Against Mike Vick’s Headazz Respectability Rhetoric “If My Dirty Mullet Isn’t A Problem, Neither Is His Afro”

Image via Michael Zagaris/San Francisco 49ers/Maddie Meyer/George Gojkovich/Getty Eagles D-Lineman Chris Long Responds To Vick Critique Of Kaepernick’s Hair You KNOW s#!t is bad when white people are g-checkin’ brothas for saying stupid things and not understanding the dynamics of race in America. All week long former Eagles quarterback Mike Vick has been getting fried for spouting off pure headassery about what Colin Kaepernick needs to do to save his NFL career. Vick’s pull-your-pants-up advice was so off-base that even white players can recognize how stupid it sounds. Enter Phildelphia Eagles defensive lineman Chris Long shot off some tweets that sound way more woke than MV7’s drowsy azz… Vick thing is confusing bc he says that CK is unemployed bc of performance, but a haircut will help. What am I missing there? — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 I'm not a leftist, moron. I'm trying to make sense of why 1 of the best 32 QBs on doesn't have a job + we're talking about his haircut? https://t.co/k3j6CCbJ13 — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 I had a dirty mullet last year + worked for that company you love. You know, the 1 w the 5 rings on your background that you'll never touch. https://t.co/RrwfzmNEux — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 Irony is that MV actually says he thinks Kaep's social action is a good thing. That's what makes the call for an image revamp strange. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 Shoutout to Chris Long. Mike Vick needs to stop hanging out guys like Inspector Gadget/Fat Albert/Stephen from D’Jango’s group sex lovechild, Jason Whitlock, and find some intelligent friends.

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Chris Long Defends Kaepernick Against Mike Vick’s Headazz Respectability Rhetoric “If My Dirty Mullet Isn’t A Problem, Neither Is His Afro”

Chris Long Defends Kaepernick Against Mike Vick’s Headazz Respectability Rhetoric “If My Dirty Mullet Isn’t A Problem, Neither Is His Afro”

Image via Michael Zagaris/San Francisco 49ers/Maddie Meyer/George Gojkovich/Getty Eagles D-Lineman Chris Long Responds To Vick Critique Of Kaepernick’s Hair You KNOW s#!t is bad when white people are g-checkin’ brothas for saying stupid things and not understanding the dynamics of race in America. All week long former Eagles quarterback Mike Vick has been getting fried for spouting off pure headassery about what Colin Kaepernick needs to do to save his NFL career. Vick’s pull-your-pants-up advice was so off-base that even white players can recognize how stupid it sounds. Enter Phildelphia Eagles defensive lineman Chris Long shot off some tweets that sound way more woke than MV7’s drowsy azz… Vick thing is confusing bc he says that CK is unemployed bc of performance, but a haircut will help. What am I missing there? — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 I'm not a leftist, moron. I'm trying to make sense of why 1 of the best 32 QBs on doesn't have a job + we're talking about his haircut? https://t.co/k3j6CCbJ13 — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 I had a dirty mullet last year + worked for that company you love. You know, the 1 w the 5 rings on your background that you'll never touch. https://t.co/RrwfzmNEux — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 Irony is that MV actually says he thinks Kaep's social action is a good thing. That's what makes the call for an image revamp strange. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2017 Shoutout to Chris Long. Mike Vick needs to stop hanging out guys like Inspector Gadget/Fat Albert/Stephen from D’Jango’s group sex lovechild, Jason Whitlock, and find some intelligent friends.

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Chris Long Defends Kaepernick Against Mike Vick’s Headazz Respectability Rhetoric “If My Dirty Mullet Isn’t A Problem, Neither Is His Afro”