Tag Archives: questions-left

Movieline Attempts to Tie Up Almost 100 of Lost’s ‘Loose Ends’

After the Lost finale aired, some people complained that there are still dozens of questions left unanswered — but is that really true? Sure, there are still a few loose threads left hanging, but I’d argue that the bulk of the questions people have are either answerable or can be strongly guessed at based on the information the show has already given us. To put my theory to the test, I decided to rebut a popular video compiled today by College Humor that lists nearly 100 outstanding questions that Lost has left us with. How many could I answer, and how many were legitimate loose ends? Let’s find out.

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Movieline Attempts to Tie Up Almost 100 of Lost’s ‘Loose Ends’

23 Questions About Lost Episode 613, ‘The Last Recruit,’ Answered!

Previously on Lost : Your faithful recapper Mark Lisanti did an excellent job answering the questions left in each episode’s aftermath, but in this new sideways universe, I’ll be taking over those duties for one week (also, Desmond keeps trying to almost-kill me, and it’s getting to be a little much). In other news, Hurley faked a seance with Jacob to reunite most of the show’s principal cast members, Claire presented her stylist with a picture of Crystal Bowersox, and Locke got run over. What does it all mean? Let’s investigate in a round of Questions and Answers.

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23 Questions About Lost Episode 613, ‘The Last Recruit,’ Answered!