Justin Bieber has a pair of major celebrities in his corner. At last night’s premiere of Pain & Gain , both 50 Cent and Mark Wahlberg responded to the controversy surrounding Bieber and his recent Anne Frank comments , with the rapper echoing the sentiment that has landed Bieber in trouble: “She probably would have been [a belieber],” Fiddy said of the Holocaust victim. Wahlberg, meanwhile, thinks JB just needs a break. “I think it’s best to put down the phone and Twitter and all that stuff, and just be a little more low-key right now,” the actor said. “Because they’re watching every move he makes, everything he says, and less is more. Go take a vacation.” This advice comes on the heels of Bieber Tweeting an odd cartoon photo of himself and a fan in bed . He really might wanna turn the phone and computer off for awhile.
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50 Cent, Mark Wahlberg Defend, Advise Justin Bieber