Tag Archives: rather-the-one

Nicole Richie in Workout Gear of the Day

Nicole Richie is in fitness gear – because this mom of a bunch of kids with one of the most offensive characters of the late 90s…the Good Charlotte Twin, not the one married to Cameron Diaz, but rather the one that is with this on, unless they swap out their vaginas and pass them around the room….like the hookers they are…because that’s how twins live…but they are so cheesy, their lame mall-brand tattoos that match their mall brand music – set them apart in a “we try to one up each other in being lame as fuck”… That said, here’s Nicole Richie, not fat anymore thanks to her gastric bypass in some leggings, reminding of the greatest night of my life that was spent hanging out with here – where she didn’t say one word to me – not because she’s shy…but because she’s a bratty spoiled adopted cunt no one actually likes…and is bitter about it… Blast from the late 90s past…because we are old…and show is Nicole Richie…but her mom ass is ok. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Nicole Richie in Workout Gear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicole Richie in Workout Gear of the Day