Tag Archives: readmit-the-tug

Killer Whale Kills Sea World Trainer

SCIENCE BUZZ : A killer whale grabbed his female trainer before a “Dine With Shamu” performance and thrashed her around in his mouth, killing her at the scene. For heartless vegan commentary on this event, please see Jack. Otherwise 🙁 UPDATE: the whale involved is reportedly named Tilly and has a history of acting out. The Best Links: Via ONTD Park guest Victoria Biniak told Local 6 that the trainer was a veteran of SeaWorld and had just finished explaining to the audience the show they were about to see. At that point, Biniak said, the whale came up from the water and grabbed the woman. “He was thrashing her around pretty good. It was violent,’” Biniak told Local 6. According to a witness, one of the trainers got pulled into the Shamu tank in Shamu Stadium and was killed. It happened during a Dine With Shamu event. #SeaWorld The spokesman, John Mulhall, said the trainer was pronounced dead at the scene. Dine With Shamu Read

Pole Dancers Want To Join The Olympics

Link: http://www.newser.com/story/81480/nex… Coming soon to an Olympics near you: pole dancing! Let's also readmit the tug-of-war while we're at it. Read