Tag Archives: real-life-dwarf

3 Suggested Cures For Ricky Gervais’s Career Rut

At the risk of starting an unnecessary bout of Ricky Gervais backlash (though, hey, if it’s good enough for Tina Fey…), something about his career choices of late have been a tad — how to put this mildly? — underwhelming . And with the announcement of his new series Life’s Too Short (yet another meta look at show business, but this time from the point of view of real-life dwarf Warwick Davis) coming so soon on the heels of his UK film release Cemetery Junction ( The Office in the ’70s), it seems clear that he’s in a rut of repeated ideas. What can Gervais do to break this streak of diminishing returns? Here are some suggestions:

3 Suggested Cures For Ricky Gervais’s Career Rut