Tag Archives: realize-making

Lingerie Bowl Player Twerks on Opponents Head of the Day

So the Lingerie Bowl exists. I never really paid attention to it. I just assumed it was a promotion around the Superbowl to generate some hype, make some extra money. You know, a clever marketing stunt for a beer company…. But I guess the fact that the world is perverted, and love lingerie, made them realize making a league for the shit was the right thing to do….and here is a clip of one of the players twerking on her opponent in what may be the greatest moment ever in sports….if you can consider this a sport…which I do…because I also consider snorting lines a sport, it gets my heart rate up….and makes me sweat….so I’m not the best judge of these things. I just watch the videos.

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Lingerie Bowl Player Twerks on Opponents Head of the Day