Tag Archives: really-annoyed

Hilary Duff Fills Her Coin Slot

It’s been a while since I’ve had any shots of a hottie feeding a parking meter, I love when they do that, so I was glad to find these pictures of a pregnant Hilary Duff stuffing her coin slot the other day. That didn’t sound so dirty in my head. Anyhow, it looks like she’s given up, at least temporarily, on wearing those tight pants that show off her cute little pregnant booty. I hope her pregnancy hasn’t finally caught up with her, I’m not done enjoying her hotness just yet. I’m really not looking forward to fat Hilary walking around.

Lindsay Ellingson Forgot To Wear A Bra

I normally get really annoyed when I see pictures of Victoria’s Secret supermodels promoting a new line of bras without actually slipping in to the lingerie, but for some reason I’m alright with these shots of Lindsay Ellingson . I don’t know why, she’s still fully dressed, but I like it. The woman is spectacular, I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about the way she’s standing in that sexy black dress that I really like. Where’s the pervert with the camera taped to his show when you need him? more pictures of Lindsay Ellingson here

Kate Gosselin Takes Her Sweater Puppies For A Walk

I’m really annoyed that this Kate Gosselin mess is going to be on Dancing WIth The Stars , because that means we’re going to be seeing a whole lot more of this garbage. Alright, I’ll admit that her sweater twins make a pretty handsome couple, but the rest of her needs a lot of work. I know that sounds terrible because she’s had about a dozen kids already and the human body can only take so much, but that’s why baby Jesus invented plastic surgeons. Anyhow, Try not to focus on her face.