Tag Archives: really-grasps

Lindsay Lohan’s “Recovering Addict” Act is So Obvious of the Day

We get it Lohan, you’re a recovering addict, but do you have to play this shit up like the weirdos at the local Dunkin Donuts who sit their all hours of the night chain smoking and downing coffee together so they don’t fall off the wagon. You know shaking, pacing all while looking like fucking death lighing cigarette of cigarette whining about your problems and talking about when you used to use cuz you’re so fucking self involved. I have see this so many times before…This is so obvious…like she’s rehearsing a role from a movie…cuz all Lohan really grasps is being obvious. She’s the kind of phony bitch who dresses hip hop to go to a hip hop show, or who dresses rock & roll to go to a rock show, cuz she has no fucking soul, just a shapeshifter in an identity crisis, licking pussy cuz she got manipulated into it, doing heroin cuz it stops the pain…and really who cares…she is hot. I still want to fuck her….if anything this makes me want to fuck her even more…but I have a thing for people with emotional baggage, insecurities and ex addictions, cuz crazy bitches are more fun, better in bed, and usually pretty accommodating cuz they are hurting so much on the inside, all they really want is a fucking hug. Here are some more pics of her, cuz I love her and her Herpes equally…

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Lindsay Lohan’s “Recovering Addict” Act is So Obvious of the Day