Selena Gomez is back together with Justin Bieber. This is not really news to anyone with an Internet connection, considering all the quotes and photos that have been circulating online for weeks now. But here’s the thing: None of those quotes have been uttered by either Selena or Justin themselves. Neither star has confirmed this rekindled romance has actually been… rekindled. UNTIL NOW! Featured on the cover of Billboard (as its Woman of the Year), Gomez opens way up about past relationships and friendships, along with young Mr. Bieber himself. Getting back together with the singer “comes back to the idea of me remaining full,” she explained. “I think a true representation of love is beyond just yourself,” Gomez added, getting all deep and profound. “It’s me going to get coffee earlier this morning and talking with a woman who was celebrating her birthday and going to Disneyland for the first time. I told her about my favorite things there, and she got excited, and then I got excited because she was excited. “The littlest things are impactful.” Selena acknowledges her up and down relationship with Bieber, but says she has come a long way. This isn’t some wild wild, immature whim, deciding to let Bieber back into her pants. She has made an adullt decision, she says. “I’m 25. I’m not 18, or 19, or 20. I cherish people who have really impacted my life. “So maybe before, it could have been forcing something that wasn’t right. But that doesn’t mean caring for someone ever goes away.” Gomez and The Weeknd broke up in late October, following several months of dating. Talk of her and Justin being an item heated up immediately, with insiders saying Bieber came to a realization about his ex after she underwent a kidney transplant and nearly died. So things must be very bitter between her and The Weeknd, right? If Selena really did dump the artist and then move right on to Bieber? Not at all, Selena swears. “Something that I’m really proud of is that there’s such a true friendship [between us]. “I truly have never experienced anything like that in my life. “We ended it as best friends, and it was genuinely about encouraging and caring [for each other], and that was pretty remarkable for me.” This sounds like a huge lie, of course. Who actually has a mutual, amicable break up?!? But Selena insists she has come a long way and that she’s seeing things differently after her health scare. View Slideshow: Selena Gomez Stuns with Appearance, Sparks Lip Sync Controversy at American Music Awards “I’m really proud of where I am right now. I handle things in a healthy way. I can enjoy where I’m at.” Gomez also says she has taken far more control of her career: “I love being able to say ‘no.’ I like being a part of the world. “People are so terrified of other people. I see it in my generation a lot. There’s so much anxiety and angst, and the pressure just keeps getting worse. “[But] I’m proudest of not becoming jaded. I have every reason to be like, ‘Fc-k all of you.’ “And I don’t. I’m going to have the bad days where I don’t want to leave my bedroom – but I’m ready for them.” And on those other days? She can go over to Bieber’s bedroom. It’s a pretty great set up.
See original here:
Selena Gomez Spills All: Why Did She Take Justin Bieber Back?