Tag Archives: really-slutty

Christina Milian Erotica of the Day

Christina Milia is barely interesting as a personality, I mean not really that interesting at all, she’s what you’d call typical or is it thirsty, I don’t fucking know, what I do know is that she’s old, yet she’s still doing these erotic photoshoots, clearly attempting to be some bootleg Kim Kardashian to draw attention to herself, or to secure some pool party hosting in Vegas, because the one hit wonder, turned wife of very rich producer knows how to manipulate… I think she may have been one of the first Disney stars to whore out, besides Britney and I guess all the other Disney kids, because she released a really slutty video people jerked off to, when jerking off to videos was a thing… I don’t know wha this is for, but it’s weird for a 36 year old mom…but people like it…so cash it in with your vagina like you’ve always had… The weird thing about this is that she doesn’t need the money, she got put on writing credits of so many songs that make money, like half of Bieber’s catalog, so this is just for her own fun…and exhibitionism…weird.. The post Christina Milian Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christina Milian Erotica of the Day

Christina Ricci’s Merkin of the Day

Christina Ricci is back at work, I guess she’s ready to hit the scene again – now that she’s got a kid to send to college or some shit – maybe she’s always been working and I just stopped paying attention – because there was a weird period between being the child star, turned busty indy movie queen, to having a breakdown, cutting off her tits, and doing some tv show like Ally McBeal….which is where we left her… Well, she posted a picture of her MERKIN on set, which you know is her bush in the shape of panties so that she an give the illusion of a hot bush, without being bottomless, but with Merkin – usually comes TITTIES… Just ask Lisa Bonet, who I guess is on some show doing what Bill Cosby taught her back when American was great and Rapists were allowed to sell JELL-O products… The post Christina Ricci’s Merkin of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christina Ricci’s Merkin of the Day

Sofia Vergara’s Tits on Set of the DAy

Sofia Vergara is some hooker – who tricked the right client to give her a shot in the entertainment industry – under what I assume was extortion…thanks to the help of her Colombian team of drug cartel gangsters who helped her orchestrate it… Because…Sofia Vergara and her hypnotic tits were once ILLEGAL immigrants that Donald Trump would have married if he was into Hispanics more than Eastern Euros….she smuggled herself into Florida with her kid in tow…and now..in her 40s she’s a superstar actress who can barely speak english…and it’s not because she gets nudes – it’s because she’s tactical…and what Trump is warning you about illegals..they get into your economy and just take it over… She’s in lingerie on set, her fans love it, I’d prefer seeing her earlier porn or exposing her story – for what it actually is – but that we’ll never figure out because as we know – people take what they are told at face value – instead of researching……but maybe no one would care – since her tits is all that matters… All I can think about when seeing her in her expensive shaping lingerie, is that 87 percent of Muslim these fundamentalist Muslim women who are in Hijabs, you know full bed sheets, actually wear really slutty lingerie, sometimes with anal beads inside them, because they are only human…even if you don’t think they are because you’re racist. The post Sofia Vergara’s Tits on Set of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Sofia Vergara’s Tits on Set of the DAy