I was lucky enough to be one of the few fans who got to join Justin for his premiere of the Boyfriend video. Basically we got to the “studio” or automotive showcase place at around 1:30 and they checked us in. We waited in a holding area for a while and then they brought us into the studio with all the cars and cameras and stuff. Then one of the producers started walking around asking people if they would like to ask Justin a question. I thought that was a dumb because who is going to say no? Haha anyways the producer asked me and I said, “Yes!” and he told me what question I get to ask him. Originally it was some weirdly worded question about how Believe is showing Justin’s growth or something, and then (luckily) he switched it to me asking him about the cars I already knew he had lol. Then he assigned some other girls some questions and we rehearsed all of this for like an hour. Fast forward to when Justin actually shows up. He ran down the carpet giving the fans some hugs and then he sat down right next to me. Okay this is when it gets awkward. So first of all I’m not a big hugger, I just don’t care for it. But I had just assumed that I would become a hugging kind of person when JUSTIN BIEBER leans in for one. But alas, that did not happen. So this boy is looking at me leaning in for a hug that I was NOT expecting and I’m not even noticing. When I actually realized what he was trying to do, my awkwardness kicked in and we ended up in some weird side hug thing. I don’t even know. Justin sat down, talks with Sway for a while and we all watched the video for Boyfriend (it was AWESOME). I finally got to ask Justin my question! My question was, “There were a bunch of really cool cars in the video, I was just wondering what kinds of cars you have?” Then he lists all of his cars one after the other. Literally, I was just trying to make it look like I didn’t already know what kinds of cars he had. I kept making weird nods, and “oh’s”, and “yah’s”. But really the fact that he was looking me straight in my face acknowledging my existence just felt so freaking amazing. After he finished with the interview, I figured he would just leave because I’m sure he had a lot of stuff he had to do. But no, Justin stayed and took pictures with EVERYBODY that was there and wanted a picture. Apparently, this made him late for something so on behalf of everybody who was there, I would like to thank you Justin for taking the time to do that. It really meant a lot. When I took my picture with him, I got the chance to tell him how hilarious I thought the Borat tweet about Mariah Yeeter was. He basically was just like, “You thought it was funny?!” Not in a why would you think that’s funny sort of way but more of a ‘I’m glad you thought it was funny’. So anyways that’s my story! After years of obsession I finally got to meet and talk to Justin Bieber. LIFE MADE. -@itslexiG Hug at 0:55 & I ask my question at 1:00 Follow this link: I was lucky enough to be one of the few fans who got to join…
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I was lucky enough to be one of the few fans who got to join…