Tag Archives: really-the-kid

Mischa Barton in a White Bikini of the Day

In an exciting turn of events, Mischa Barton, the girl from the OC, who you probably remember jerking off to when she played the dead vomiting girl in “The Sixth Sense” because it reminded you of every girl you poisoned for sex….because it was the only way you could get sex….is in a bikini… I call this back from the dead, or almost dead, when she was 45 pounds fatter, a whole lot sadder, medicating herself…into something I called the Mischa Barton Death watch…there was a short period of time where all these girls from Lohan to Britney to a few others could have swung either way… I guess they chose life…because whining about life when you’re a fucking celebrity who had a hit show and now lots of money and access by the age of 25 is pretty entitled, spoiled and obnoxious… You want real suicide, try working a real job at minimum wage where no one respects you and you’re so exhausted because you can barely pay off debt…have some real problems you brat… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Mischa Barton in a White Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mischa Barton in a White Bikini of the Day

50 Cent Harrassing Airport Worker of the Day

50 Cents drops his 50 Cents on some airport worker who probably makes minimum wage, which according to 50 Cent and his bankruptcy is more than 50 Cents makes, but where people are offended is that he’s accusing the kid of being on drugs…and being representative of a lazy generation…when really the kid is probably just a half retard thanks to not using genetic programming to create superhumans and we still let ghetto trash poor people reproduce to fill up the housing project! If you know what I mean, the rich get richer or some shit.. The post 50 Cent Harrassing Airport Worker of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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50 Cent Harrassing Airport Worker of the Day

50 Cent Harrassing Airport Worker of the Day

50 Cents drops his 50 Cents on some airport worker who probably makes minimum wage, which according to 50 Cent and his bankruptcy is more than 50 Cents makes, but where people are offended is that he’s accusing the kid of being on drugs…and being representative of a lazy generation…when really the kid is probably just a half retard thanks to not using genetic programming to create superhumans and we still let ghetto trash poor people reproduce to fill up the housing project! If you know what I mean, the rich get richer or some shit.. The post 50 Cent Harrassing Airport Worker of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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50 Cent Harrassing Airport Worker of the Day