Tag Archives: reel-starring

Amanda Seyfried Watches Deep Throat, Vows She Won’t Go Full Frontal

Guys, we’ve got good news and we’ve got bad news about Amanda Seyfried . Good news first: Amanda’s been doing some pretty skintense research for her part as Linda Lovelace , which as you might expect has meant familiarizing herself with Linda’s, shall we say, oevure . No word on whether she watched the infamous 8mm reel starring Linda and a dog , but she tells Glamour magazine she did screen Deep Throat (1972). Amanda’s reaction? “What surprised me was the amount of pubic hair!” You poor, sweet, innocent girl. The bad news? In the same interview, Amanda lays this bomb on us: ” I’m pretty sure I would never do full frontal for a movie, ” Seyfried said. “For personal reasons, I wouldn’t really want to show that.” Ouch. Look on the bright side- at least she said “pretty sure” and not “definitely would not”. That’s something, right? Check out the breast of Amanda Seyfried , including her Anatomy-Award winning lesbian scene with Julianne Moore in Chloe (2009), right here at MrSkin.com!

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Amanda Seyfried Watches Deep Throat, Vows She Won’t Go Full Frontal