Tag Archives: refaeli-crotch

Bar Refaeli Crotch SHot of the Day

After a long love affair with Leonardo DiCaprio, even though it ended years ago, Bar Refaeli still finds a need to air out her vagina, however she can, apparently, including but not limited to public cartwheels for instagram, because there is no way that in her living the Hollywood, superstar model, with massive tits, life…that she bowed out of to run back to Israel, didn’t catch at least one strain of herpes… I guess the more interesting thing in this pic is the upside down tits, fighting gravity, in a bra…there’s a fetish in this…if you can see past the fact she probably has herpes, like every celebrity, and I assume you can… The post Bar Refaeli Crotch SHot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bar Refaeli Crotch SHot of the Day