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Anna Kendrick Twitter Feed Lands Actress Best Book Deal Ever!!

Do you follow Anna Kendrick on Twitter? If not … The heck is wrong with you?! You’re in luck, because her feed is so hilarious, she’s landed a book deal to pen funny and autobiographical thoughts based upon it! View Slideshow: 13 Awesome Anna Kendrick Photos If you watched Anna Kendrick lip sync battle John Krasinski Thursday night, well, just imagine her channeling that kind of awesomeness in book form. Touchstone will publish the tome sometime in 2016, and it’s worth pre-ordering now. You can’t even do that, because she hasn’t written it. But we would! Anna released a statement about her new project : “I’m excited to publish my first book, and because I get uncomfortable when people have high expectations, I’d like to use this opportunity to showcase my ineptitude, pettiness, and the frequency with which I embarrass myself.” “And while many of my female inspirations who have become authors are incredibly well-educated and accomplished comedy writers, I’m very, very funny on Twitter, according to Buzzfeed and my mom, so I feel like this is a great idea.” “Quick question: are run-on sentences still frowned upon? Wait, is ending a sentence with a preposition still frowned upon? I mean, upon frowned? D***it!” Great stuff. And for one example of how funny she is on Twitter – seriously, follow her! – she recently fired off this gem re: the lack of male nudity on Game of Thrones: ” Madonna kissed Drake , Hillary’s running for president , but HBO STILL hasn’t shown this dude’s dick?? #FeministPriority” If that kind of insight doesn’t make you want to buy Anna’s book, well, Bill O’Reilly probably has another one coming out in a few months. View Slideshow: 25 Super Short Celebrities

Anna Kendrick Twitter Feed Lands Actress Best Book Deal Ever!!