Tag Archives: relatively-fit

Brooke Burke Pussy Flash of the Day

Brooke Burke looks like a mix between Skeletor and Michael Jackson…and she’s flashing her WILD ON pussy that is still attached to a relatively fit body, freakish even, because she’s got a lot of kids.. like a good low level fake titty model who knows kids mean monthly payments….and the weirdest thing about her…is that she’s got this insane fan base – I don’t know where they are from, I just know they are super fucking fans….which probably feels good for her ego…as all sex workers love that shit. That’s quite the yacht they are on, looks like sugar baby done good. The post Brooke Burke Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Brooke Burke Pussy Flash of the Day

Brooke Burke Pussy Flash of the Day

Brooke Burke looks like a mix between Skeletor and Michael Jackson…and she’s flashing her WILD ON pussy that is still attached to a relatively fit body, freakish even, because she’s got a lot of kids.. like a good low level fake titty model who knows kids mean monthly payments….and the weirdest thing about her…is that she’s got this insane fan base – I don’t know where they are from, I just know they are super fucking fans….which probably feels good for her ego…as all sex workers love that shit. That’s quite the yacht they are on, looks like sugar baby done good. The post Brooke Burke Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See original here:
Brooke Burke Pussy Flash of the Day

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart the Lindsay Lohan Edition of the Day

I think it’s safe to say that getting your kid in the entertainment industry is really not a good place for them to be raised.

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Lookin’ Good Sweetheart the Lindsay Lohan Edition of the Day

Rachel Bilson and Her Saddle Bags of the Day

I am all for girls with curves. I think it’s scientific for guys to want to fuck a girl with some hips, but looking at these pictures of Rachel Bilson in her tight pants all I see is something that is definitely not going to age well

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Rachel Bilson and Her Saddle Bags of the Day