Tag Archives: releases-female

Sony Releases Female Ghostbuster’s Trailer of the Day

So here’s the overhyped, highly criticized, controversial but not just because the Ghostbusters are now women, because who fucking cares if they are women, statistically, women are smarter than men, and better in school…since men are busy jerking off addicted to porn… We get it, Women are the people who choose the movies people see, or maybe women are statistically the people going to movies since men are busy jerking off addicted to porn…. So every fucking movie in this Politically Correct, Inclusive, Diversity, Social Justice warrior is girl based. Who cares… They needed to find an angle to remake an 80s Classic, 30 years after the original, for no real reason, other than that Hollywood is out of fucking ideas…and might as well make the girls Ghostbusters..right.. The real issue isn’t that it’s a vagina driven, vagina targeted movie. The world needs those, women need content produced and targeted to them, while men have better things to do with their time, like jerk off to porn…. The real issue is that Hollywood can’t come up or invest in new ideas….and ride on legacy of other successes….and it’s such a weird scramble… If Hollywood can’t figure out how to write and produce and market an original concept, but instead want to re-issue Dan Ackroyd’s script he was writing when John Belushi had his drug overdose…I think it’s pretty clear why Hollywood is losing out to tech companies like Amazon and Netflix… It’s like Hollywood’s been doing this for 100 fucking years…and aren’t even running the industry anymore… That’s probably a good thing, based on this trailer… The post Sony Releases Female Ghostbuster’s Trailer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sony Releases Female Ghostbuster’s Trailer of the Day