Tag Archives: relive-the-past

It Is Labor Day of the Day

Last year old Labor Day, I had a real hit Labor Day Post and I figured I’d relive the past because the more I drink and the more I do this website, the more I lost my soul and creative vision, so sometimes, doing what’s been done is part of what makes something so clever a legend, and is good filler content while I finish attempting to alcohol poison myself before everyone goes back to work and school tomorrow…. I feel like I give a lot of love to vaginas, but little love to the disugstingness they can produce, and here is our day to sit back and reflect… A couple Girls You’d Want to Knock Up For our Troops in Iraq who Don’t get a Day Off, But Who Do Have Horrible Taste in Music The Romantic 1920’s in Paris Black and White Birth Some Mexican Birth That You’d Expect to Not Hurt Since Mexicans are like Dogs and Breed every year Slutty Pregnant Chick A Little Belly Lovers Sickness for a Woman to Make and Extra Buck…. This Is Fucking Graphic….Exactly what I was Lookin For… This is also fucking Graphic…..But I’t’s Nature People…You Need to Learn to Love It and Think About It Everytime You Go Down on a Girl…

Excerpt from:
It Is Labor Day of the Day