Tag Archives: remind-people

Craziest VINE Ever of the Day

4 Days ago…this VINE was posted on the internet…and it has since gone viral.. I am having a hard time believing that this person was randomly VINING the road at the exact time a truck drove off the overpass… I feel like this story makes more sense if it was a viral stunt put on by VINE to remind people that VINE still exists now that Instagram does video… But it’s still worth watching, because shit’s crazy if it is real. Drive safe.

See the article here:
Craziest VINE Ever of the Day

Left and right, pundits applaud Obama Nobel Peace Prize speech

…more noteworthy is the largely positive, or at least hopeful, tone of reaction across the political spectrum. From conservative former House speaker Newt Gingrich to writers at the liberal Nation magazine, the insta-analyses found hope in Obama’s words, either in his justification for the war in Afghanistan or in his ultimate aspiration: to replace war with peace. “I thought the speech was actually very good,” Mr

Original post:
Left and right, pundits applaud Obama Nobel Peace Prize speech

Megan Fox and Her Keeper Get Lunch of the Day

These are some pictures of Brian Austin Green holding on to Megan Fox as fucking hard as he can. He can’t let her go as she is all he fucking has. He has spent many fucking years brainwashing the shit out of her, fucking with her self esteem, trying to make her think no other guy will love her as much as he will, and all that emotional abuse had paid off, because bitch is still by his fucking side, and I can only assume under his fucking spell/control, but every once in a while he has to make appearances with her to remind people she belongs to him and to remind people that he exists while making her think she is free to do anything she wants, as long as she doesn’t get out of his site, or else it’s back home in the cage he locks her up in….and none of that really matters because these are pics of Megan Fox and she has a cameltoe….even though I think she’s seriously over-rated….

See the article here:
Megan Fox and Her Keeper Get Lunch of the Day