Tag Archives: remove-the-tatt

Jailhouse Justice: Prisoner Takes Revenge On Rapist Who Killed His 10-Year-Old Cousin

Child Rapist/Killer Forcibly Tatted With Victim’s Name Behind Bars If you were in jail with your relative’s killer , would you be inclined to enact some sort of revenge, or nah? According to American News reports : Jared Harris, who at the time was 22 years old and serving a prison sentence for burglary, took a makeshift tattoo gun, snuck into 39-year-old Anthony Stockleman’s cell, and tattooed the words “Katie’s Revenge” on Stockleman’s forehead. Stockleman had not long before been sentenced for molesting and murdering 10-year-old Katie Collman, who happened to be Harris’s cousin. Stockleman, according to WTHR , told authorities that Harris slipped into his cell, held him by the throat and said, “I’m either gonna stick you and leave you bleeding or I’m gonna tattoo you.” Harris admitted to the tattooing and said he had no regrets, calling the tattoo a “good job.” Harris was charged with battery and, at the time of the original report, was facing another year in jail for the incident. A medical practitioner has agreed to remove the tattoo from Stockleman’s forehead at no charge. SMH @ the guy offering to remove the tatt. Do you think Stockleman should have been forced to live with it? This story is actually like ten years old, but it has been viral this week. We wanted to know your thoughts on it. Would you have done the same? Lost In Lima Ohio

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Jailhouse Justice: Prisoner Takes Revenge On Rapist Who Killed His 10-Year-Old Cousin