Tag Archives: repeatedly-rang

Octomom: Back on Welfare!

Despite a career uptick due to the smashing success of Octomom: Home Alone, the Octomom porn video, Nadya Suleman signed up for welfare again this week. October rehab bills depleted most of her savings, TMZ reports. It had been only five months since Octomom got off … welfare. The mother of 14 will be receiving $1,800 a month for food and $1,000 in emergency cash, on top of Medi-Cal benefits to help with mental health and dental issues. Sorry again, California taxpayers. Nadya Suleman says she only plans to use the infusion of welfare money while she gets back on her feet financially. Hmm. You thinking what we’re thinking? If so, you’re sick, sick people. Let’s just say she was in dire straits last spring before strip club gigs and an award-nominated self-pleasure adult film earned her considerable coin. At least for a no-talent hack. You do what you gotta do when you have that many mouths to feed. What we’re saying is look for Octomom: Home Alone 2 in 2013.

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Octomom: Back on Welfare!

Mom Shoots Intruder 5 times, Saves Children

Score one for the NRA? A woman in Walton County Georgia save her children from an introducer on Friday – by firing six bullets into his neck and face. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution , the unnamed female hid with her two kids in a crawl space after an ex-convict later identified as Paul Ali Slater repeatedly rang her doorbell. Once he forced his way inside via crowbar… “He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver,” Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman told the newspaper, adding that the woman connected on five of her six shots and fled to a neighbor’s house while Slater lay on the ground bleeding. Slater somehow remained conscious and made it to his car, only for authorities to quickly find him in a driveway. He told them he was “dying” and was transported to Gwinnett Medical Center. “That mother’s instinct kicked in,” Chapman said. “You go after a mother’s kids and she’ll find herself capable of doing things she never thought she was capable of.”

See the original post here:
Mom Shoots Intruder 5 times, Saves Children