Tag Archives: replacing-their

Broken Selena Gomez Rehab Smoke Break of the Day

Selena Gomez is broken, not just cuz of dying of LUPUS, but emotionally, so they sent her to rehab to get herself together, sure she’s saying she’s just depressed, burnt out, has anxiety… but you don’t go to rehab for that…you go to rehab because you’re huffing lines of coke and drinking a bottle of whiskey…and you can’t get over it…but luckily you have resources and a team and as you spiral out of control…the handlers who deal with her, manager her, make money off her…move in and deal with it…. So whether she’s fucking tyrant, fiend, over achiever, spoiled brat, cunt..who gets what she wants..except Justin Bieber…who sex sex offended when he was 17 cuz she liked him so much…or not..doesn’t matter…what matters is that they collectively threw her in the tank to save her… I was laughing about her rehab with a young 20 year old girl…who went onto say “rehab is good, and she should be encouraged because no one deserves to struggle”….and I was like “Struggle?…she pays 30k a month or more for this, it won’t fix her, and it’s just a way for her to coddle her already coddled self more than she’s already coddled…when she’s got nothing to worry about…except for that terminal disease she will likely die of”…. Maybe I’m heartless…but here she is smoking…something recommended for LUPUS…and I guess for rehab for actual addicts…replacing their substance of choice..that we’ll just pretend is depression and anxiety and not prescription pills and heroin….cuz that wouldn’t be very Disney of her…. All these child stars are fucked…and I love it… Thank god the paparazzi are there to rob her of her privacy….in this painful time…like the scumbags they are… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Broken Selena Gomez Rehab Smoke Break of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Broken Selena Gomez Rehab Smoke Break of the Day

Texas Appliance Rebate Starts Monday – Texas Powerful Smart

Texas Appliance Rebate Starts Monday – Texas Powerful Smart – Today begins the signing up for the appliance rebate program and if you are thinking to upgrade your dishwasher, hot water heater and fridge, then do something now. Texas residents who apply for a rebate must replace an old, but functional, appliance from one of the eligible categories with a new ENERGY STAR or CEE qualified appliance. Rebate amount vary based on what you buy. For example, the rebate for a new washing machine ranges from $150 to $255 depending on the type and if you recycle the old one. In some reports, rebates range from $45 up to $1,000 and may even be more if you qualify for the additional rebate through your electric utility. Katy State Rep. Bill Callegari urged area residents to take full advantage of the unique opportunity. “This is a limited-time opportunity for families to save money and conserve energy while replacing their old appliances with more energy efficient ones,” Callegari said.  “The short term and long term savings available to everyone who participates are hard to ignore.” So what are you waiting for now, to register for your rebate, visit now www.texaspowerfulsmart.org or call 1-877-780-3039. The rebate program started April 7, 2010 at exactly 5:00 am. Texas Appliance Rebate Starts Monday – Texas Powerful Smart is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading