Tag Archives: respond-well

Foreign Film Nudity of the Day

The movie is called Kill Me Please. The Stéphanie Crayencour. I’m just posting it to pump some culture into your blood, any by culture I mean international titty….and sex scenes…in another language…cuz English is so fucking trashy….especially when you throw some fat American trash with guns in the mix….you see cuz when I watch international movies, I can really respond well to them, cuz I’m not polluted with hate fueled by by all the smut these Hollywood bitches have suffocated me with…..and I get to appreciate their tits without all the noise of their gossip and stupidities…It’s refreshing.


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Foreign Film Nudity of the Day

Dust Ball Robotic Vacuum Smartly Sucks Debris As It Tumbles Across Your Floor

Roombas are cute and everything, but when they annoy you, they don’t respond well to being kicked in the side. Not so with Dust Ball, a new robotic vacuum cleaner concept designed by a Dutch engineer. Inspired by a hamster ball and resembling a pollen grain, Dust Ball can be pushed or kicked in any direction to clean. Watch it roll in this video. It moves by shifting its internal weight; an internal ball bearing moves on two axes and can move Dust Ball in any direction. It rolls around sucking up debris, and when its dustbin is full, it starts to glow and rolls to its docking station. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-12/dust-ball-robotic-vacuum-gather… added by: onemalefla

Dust Ball Robotic Vacuum Smartly Sucks Debris As It Tumbles Across Your Floor

Roombas are cute and everything, but when they annoy you, they don’t respond well to being kicked in the side. Not so with Dust Ball, a new robotic vacuum cleaner concept designed by a Dutch engineer. Inspired by a hamster ball and resembling a pollen grain, Dust Ball can be pushed or kicked in any direction to clean. Watch it roll in this video. It moves by shifting its internal weight; an internal ball bearing moves on two axes and can move Dust Ball in any direction. It rolls around sucking up debris, and when its dustbin is full, it starts to glow and rolls to its docking station. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-12/dust-ball-robotic-vacuum-gather… added by: onemalefla