Tag Archives: retiring-at-age

Ann Curry Clashed with Today Show Producers Over Style, Hair Color

She may still be employed by NBC, but Ann Curry is no longer the co-host of The Today Show – and the fired anchor is speaking out about the possible reasons why she lost her job. While many believe Matt Lauer is solely to blame for Curry’s ousting, the reporter tells Ladies Home Journal that she and producers clashed over a number of items through the years. “One day I wore a multicolored dress and someone asked if I was trying to be Toucan Sam. But I chose it because I thought, This will perk up America,” Curry told the publication, explaining how her style selections often led to disagreements. “I’m encouraged by my bosses to wear these ridiculously high-heeled shoes because women say, ‘I love your shoes!’ So if it makes women happy, I’ll wear them. But I’m still going to be me… I’ve tried to wear clogs and flats on TV and it hasn’t gone well with my bosses.” Another topic that hasn’t gone over well? Curry’s insistence on NOT dyeing her hair. “I don’t want to change the fundamental parts of me because it means changing who I am,” she said of her reasoning. That’s admirable from a personal point of view, but apparently it cost her professionally. Meanwhile, Curry actually sat alongside Lauer for a London Olympic segment this week. She appeared noticeably icy toward him when live and “when the cameras stopped rolling, Ann wouldn’t even look at Matt,” a source tells Us Weekly . Not sure if we can blame her.

See more here:
Ann Curry Clashed with Today Show Producers Over Style, Hair Color

Megan Rossee Quits Cocktail Waitressing at Michael Phelps’ Request!

Megan Rossee , Michael Phelps’ hot model girlfriend, won’t be cocktail waitressing at clubs anymore – the swimming great made sure of that! The 25-year-old quit her job at Hollywood nightclub BLOK “almost immediately after the news of her and Michael broke,” Hollyscoop reports . But lest you accuse her of mining for gold … Phelps wanted her to. “Michael no longer wants his girlfriend working in that environment,” a source says, and will “cover any expenses she has until her modeling and acting career take off.” Which, thanks to this kind of exposure, may not take too long! It’s easy to see why Michael didn’t want his girlfriend in that kind of scene, being hit on all night every night and all. He also wants to travel with her. Michael and his guy friends are heading to the Maldives for a vacation after the Olympics, and he wants to take Megan Rossee on a separate trip after that. He’s supposedly told her they can go anywhere in the world she wants … not a bad gig to be dating an Olympic legend who’s retiring at age 27. For more on Phelps’ GF, check out our gallery of Megan Rossee photos !

Originally posted here:
Megan Rossee Quits Cocktail Waitressing at Michael Phelps’ Request!