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Yellow Revenge: Pittsburgh Woman Sets Boyfriend On Fire And Puts Out Flames With Urine

Image via Getty Girlfriend Burns Boyfriend Then Pours Urine On Him To Put Him Out 38-year-old Leigh Ann Sepelyak has been arrested and charged with multiple crimes after she set her boyfriend on fire while he was sleeping, then doused him with urine to put him out. According to CBS Pittsburgh, Leigh and her bae Grady Spencer got into it Sunday night, and when he fell asleep, she poured gasoline all over him, lit a cigarette, and threw it onto the bed. As Spencer jumped out the bed in a panic, Sepelyak was ready with a fresh bucket of urine to extinguish the flames. Why did she have a bucket of urine in the first place? Well, Leigh Ann and Grady were living in her parent’s basement. They had been using the bucket as a toilet. Leigh Ann’s sautéed boyfriend was carted off to the hospital with 25 of his body covered in burns and placed in critical condition. She has been charged with attempted homicide and arson. Apparently revenge doesn’t necessarily have to be cold.

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Yellow Revenge: Pittsburgh Woman Sets Boyfriend On Fire And Puts Out Flames With Urine