Over the holidays, a report that 8-year-old Shiloh Jolie-Pitt had announced her intention to self-identify as a boy named “John” circulated throughout the Internet. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have yet to speak out on the rumor, meaning that no one has any clue if it’s legit or just the invention of a bored tabloid editor. But that didn’t stop human twerk machine Amber Rose from taking it upon herself to confirm the news and slap a label on little SJP. “How gorgeous is John Jolie Pitt?” Amber tweeted. “Born into perfect family for him. #TransKid” Yes, the sentiment is nice, but Amber making assumptions about an 8-year-old’s gender identity? Not so cool. Some things are just meant to remain private, ya know? If everyone in Hollywood thought Angelina Jolie was a talentless brat , we wouldn’t all go spreading the news about Shiloh’s mom, would we? Okay, maybe that’s a bad example. Anyway, the celebrity gossip game generally follows the same unspoken rule as the Mafia: Everyone agrees to leave civilians and children out of the rumor mill, because doing otherwise would make us terrible human beings. We’re sure Amber will understand the necessity of that rule once her 1-year-old son gets old enough to be a target for paparazzi. Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa: Through the Years… 1. Wiz Khalifa, Amber Rose Wedding Photo Amber Rose posted this happy wedding photo to wish Wiz Khalifa a very happy birthday.
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Amber Rose Calls Shiloh Jolie-Pitt "Trans Kid" on Twitter