Tag Archives: richele-ince

Animal Cruelty: Man Shoots Girl’s Beloved Dog Then Posts Facebook Photo Of Him Standing Over Pet’s Dead Body

Poor pooch! Man Kills Dog And Posts Picture Of Corpse On Facebook Some people really ain’t isht. According to The Examiner: Richele Ince and her four-year-old daughter are distraught over the death of their one-year-old dog in St. Mary’s County after being shot and killed by neighbor Kenneth Woodburn reported the baynet.com. On March 12, Ince’s dog named Tank, who was well-known in the neighborhood and informally known as the mascot of the daycare center on the same street where Ince and Woodburn both lived, was shot and killed. Woodburn allegedly didn’t like Tank because the dog would walk on his property. Before Woodburn shot and killed the dog, he had posted his status on Facebook saying that if the dog came into his yard, “Hey going to dye today [sic].” The day that Tank was killed, Ince believes the dog was on his way over to the daycare center, where he spent most of his time with the little girl, and may have been lured onto Woodburn’s property with treats. According to Woodburn, the dog “charged” him. Woodburn then took a selfie of himself with dead Tank on his lap and posted the photo on his Facebook page. Viewers were outraged as the photo went viral. Woodburn will likely be charged with animal cruelty which is a felony in Maryland. If convicted, he will never be able to own a gun legally again. We’re glad he will likely be charged. It’s disgusting to shoot an animal and then brag about it by posting a picture on Facebook. Facebook/ Shutterstock

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Animal Cruelty: Man Shoots Girl’s Beloved Dog Then Posts Facebook Photo Of Him Standing Over Pet’s Dead Body