Tag Archives: right-whatever

Justin Bieber Would Totally Tap Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry

Justin Bieber has moved on from Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian. The 16-year old singer, who has expressed fondness for both those older women and even gotten all wet with the latter for a recent Elle photo shoot , has now set his sights on two other sexy celebs. Sort of. Speaking to the British version of OK! Weekly , Bieber made his latest famous crushes clear, although also admitted he’s probably too young to date them. “Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry are two of the hottest girls in the world – and so normal and funny with it. If I was a few years older, they are the kind of girls I’d like to date. I want a younger version of Cheryl and Katy – a mixture of two would be hot.” You can say that again, Justin! Age difference aside, Cole is getting serious with Derek Hough, while Perry is engaged to Russell Brand. Therefore, Justin has another idea: “Maybe they could coach me and tell me how to work out which ones are the good ones. That would be pretty awesome.” Bieber has already shared a few of the traits he looks for in a partner , but said he’d love to ask “[Cole and Perry] out for dinner so they can tell me the best way to win a woman like them.” Plus, who knows what might happen once drinks start flowing, right? We like the way Justin thinks!

Justin Bieber Would Totally Tap Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry

Dina Lohan Defends Lindsay, Blames Judge, is One of the Worst Parents of All Time

Dina Lohan needs to shut her yap. Lindsay Lohan’s enabler and mother simply will not acknowledge her kid’s faults in any capacity. Unconditional love is one thing. Living in denial, babying grown adults and setting a terrible example overall are quite another. Argumentative diva Dina appeared on the Today show Friday morning and promptly defended the behavior of Lindsay Lohan while placing all the blame on the criminal justice system, specifically the judge who sentenced her to jail. Basically, in DinaLand, Marsha Revel refused to give Linds a free pass (which she basically got anyway from the correctional facility), therefore she sucks. “I’m not condoning drinking and driving, but she’s still paying the price for what she did in 2007,” said Dina . “She’s changed. She’s grown up considerably.” This is not true . Lindsay repeatedly violated the very simple terms of her probation, acted like she was beyond reproach, and finally got hers. End of story. To Dina, Lindsay can do no wrong. This explains a whole lot about the train wreck’s conduct over the past several years. [Photos: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] Asked what accounted for the change, Dina told Matt Lauer, “Age. Living life. Knowing life. Growing up.” Right. Whatever that means. Very convincing, Dina. Accusing Revel of “going overboard” and “playing hardball” by ordering Lindsay to jail for 90 days (she served 13) and to rehab, Dina claims the judge recused herself from the case this week because she was about to be fired. Lindsay “was [ thrown in jail ] for missing a couple of classes and was working at the time,” Dina Lohan says, apparently confusing “clubbing” with “working.” Pressed about coverage of her daughter’s problems, Dina said it’s “propaganda,” and “pre-orchestrated. You’re reading things that are not based on fact.” Whining about attention she craves, she adds: “Her life is magnified. She is under a microscope … Lindsay doesn’t realize a lot of people are watching her.” For now, in rehab, “She’s great,” said Dina. “She’s been through a lot.” What do you think? Lindsay Lohan belongs in …

Dina Lohan Defends Lindsay, Blames Judge, is One of the Worst Parents of All Time