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We previously reported that Instagram threatened to remove the account of Rihanna if she didn’t stop posting nude pictures of herself. Instagram warned Rih Rih…
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We previously reported that Instagram threatened to remove the account of Rihanna if she didn’t stop posting nude pictures of herself. Instagram warned Rih Rih…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged bennyhollywood, detected, experiences, Hollywood, instagram, Naked, news & gossip, Photos, product, rihanna-if-she, stop-posting
It’s been far too long since we’ve written about Kris Humphries and Myla Sinanaj. But Hollywood Life sources say the on-again-off-again- blackmailing-occasionally couple is once again back at it, with an expensive twist: Sinanaj has new breasts… bankrolled by Humphries! “Kris paid for Myla’s boob job because he’s trying to turn her into Kim Kardashian ,” this friend claims. “No one knows she got a boob job, but she went from a B cup to a D cup.” See the evidence for yourself in this Myla Sinanaj bikini photo . NOTE: No, Kris and Kim are somehow still not divorced. You can go back to not caring now.
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Kris Humphries: Turning Myla Sinanaj into Kim Kardashian?
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged bikini-photo, celeb news, chris, evidence, Hollywood, hollywood-news, ignorance, invalid, news update, rihanna-if-she
Chris Brown deleted his Twitter account late Sunday after a bitter feud with comedy writer Jenny Johnson, who matched the often-combative singer tit-for-tat. In Brown’s final tweets, he reassured his fans that he’ll be okay. You may now step away from the ledge, Team Breezy. Breathe. “To team breezy… Know that I’m not upset. Just felt like entertaining the ignorance,” he said. “These b*****s crazy..Further proved my point of how immature society is.” “#CarpeDiem… Catch me in traffic…” The drama began earlier Sunday when Johnson, who’s ripped Chris frequently over the years, re-tweeted Chris’ musing that, “I look old as f**t! I’m only 23…” Jenny’s reply: “I know! Being a worthless piece of s**t can really age a person.” Brown’s response to that: “Take them teeth out when u Sucking my d*** HOE.” What followed was a major online beef between Chris Brown and Jenny Johnson that only got nasty – and vulgar, and misogynistic – from there. Johnson eventually tired of the argument and said: “Okay. I’m done. All I got from that exchange with Chris Brown is that he wants to s**t and f**t on me.” “I have zero respect for a person who seems unapologetic for the terrible crime he committed and shows no signs of changing,” she added, bowing out. Brown wasn’t done, calling her “worthless” and a “thirsty bitch … don’t run for support now… Lol. Ur [sic] a comedic writer!!! If you can take a d***, u can take a joke.” This all stems, of course, from Chris’ attack on Rihanna in 2009. Before deleting his account, Brown tweeted last night: “Just ask Rihanna if she mad??????” Given that Rihanna spent Thanksgiving with her lover , we’re guessing she’s not. Whether she should reexamine her choice in men is an open question, however. Choose your side in the Jenny Johnson-Chris Brown feud: Team Chris! Team JJ! View Poll »
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Chris Brown Feud Fallout: Singer "Not Upset," Bids Farewell to Team Breezy on Twitter
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged already-talking, bennyhollywood, celeb news, chris, chris-brown, frequently-over, Gossip, Hollywood, ignorance, mammoth-number, news update, over-the-years, rihanna-if-she, tweets