Tag Archives: rihanna-party

Rihanna is Pantsless of the Day

Fat Rihanna had a party, her fourth annual party in NYC for Fashion week to promote some bullshit that I don’t care about, because I wasn’t invited to this party, so it’s one of those you need to be important to attend her party, but you don’t need to be important to buy her records, her music, her merchandise, her product lines, all making her stupid rich, which I guess is the insane thing about actual celebs…they know they are too good for you…all because you gave them money….each of you contributing to a bank balance that allows them to be a cunt. What I am saying is that this elitist, celebs are better than us shit has been debunked, it’s not real, instagrammers and youtubers who are normal people are getting almost as famous…but the problem is once they hit star level…they too become elitist cunts… I guess money and fame just makes elitist cunts…out of people who dream and work to be famous and rich and finally get what they want… It’s like this bitch doesn’t even remember living in a Shanty in Barbados…before sex working her way to the top….where she still wears skimpy tops…fat tits thanks to being fat…. Candice Swanepoel and her tits were at the Rihanna Party….. See More CLICK HERE Josephine Skriver was alos there… See More CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Rihanna is Pantsless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rihanna is Pantsless of the Day