Tag Archives: ripped-athletic

Marisa Miller in Some Lingerie Pictures of the Day

I think Marisa Miller’s face is a little too old to be getting paid millions to dress up in lingerie and pose, but I guess guys out there appreciate an older woman with a ripped athletic body and I guess her implants are less that 20 years old, so we can find happiness in that, even though I fuckin’ hate implants. I also hate bras that contour bodies so much that bitches don’t get hard nipples anymore, because it’s nearly impossible to show off thru a shirt with all those straps and padding, it’s like the bra has become some kind of military armor that fucks up my fantasies when staring at girls I don’t know in the street who would otherwise have hard nipples, so that’s why companies like Victoria’s Secret need to go bankrupt and bring back a time when bitches didn’t need bras or fake tit lookin’ cleavage…give me a pointy, sloppy tit anyday ove that phony garbage…

See the article here:
Marisa Miller in Some Lingerie Pictures of the Day