Tag Archives: roast-worthy

Kim K Tells The Sweet Story Of How Kanye Gifted Her Now-Stolen Ring

Kim Kardashian Talks About Kanye Giving Her Upgraded Ring In Interview This is pretty sad considering recent events… An interview Kim Kardashian did with Andy Cohen on September 27 at Pier 60 for the Girls’ Lounge dinner that was part of Advertising Week 2016 is making it’s rounds, largely because she tells the romantic story of how husband Kanye West gave her the $4.5 million 20 carat Lorraine Schwartz ring after closing a deal (rumored to be worth billions) with Adidas to open Yeezy retail stores. Via US Weekly : “My husband was very nice … he did surprise me … it’s a really cute story,” Kardashian told Cohen, 48, when asked about her new diamond. “So I was sleeping and he woke me up in the middle of the night and said, ‘Babe, babe! I got you something from Adidas.’ And I said, ‘OK, I’ll get the shoes in the morning, babe, I’m sleeping.’ … And then he put the Lorraine Schwartz box on my pillow … and I woke up! … He said, ‘You know I just did that big Adidas deal, so I got you something from Adidas.’” Kardashian added that West, 39, also had the ring engraved with “Adidas” on the inside. Isn’t that sweet? LOL You know she woke up when that box hit the pillow! Meanwhile, more details are emerging about who robbed Kim of her jewels. According to Daily Mail reports, five white middle-aged male cyclists were behind the robbery and after collecting information from both Kim and the apartment concierge police believe the men were French and likely career criminals. Despite leaving France Monday just hours after the incident, Kim has been briefing the police by phone. While no images have been released, police are saying there may be images of the group arriving and leaving the luxury apartment building. A source close to the investigation said, “There have been no arrests, but we are slowly piecing together profiles of those involved in this crime. What we have been told so far is that they were in their forties or fifties, and were of European appearance. They came went on bicycles, and only spent a few minutes inside the flat, suggesting they knew exactly what they were doing. We have studied huge amounts of CCTV film in the area, and there is a chance that images of the men may have been caught on camera. Ms Kardashian claims a gun was placed against her head and she was tied up and gagged and pushed into a marble bath before the men took the jewels, which were ‘easily on display on a bedside table,’ said the source. As the men ran away, she managed to ‘wriggle out’ of her hand ties, and get onto a balcony, where she started shouting. The concierge – who suffered roughly the same fate at Ms Kardashian – has also told police one of the robbers at one point said: ‘Where is the wife of the rapper?’ The building has nine apartments inside, each protected by armored doors that lock from inside. It’s also now been revealed that Kim’s French bodyguard Pascal Duvier declared bankruptcy earlier this year. Kim’s ring is actually engraved with a tracking number but diamond experts believe it’s likely that will be removed if the thieves have it taken to a cutter who will recut the diamond and likely remove the ID number in the process. SMH. What a mess… In the meantime, Kim arrived back in L.A. with her mom and kids yesterday. Hit the flip for photos SplashNews/AKM-GSI

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Kim K Tells The Sweet Story Of How Kanye Gifted Her Now-Stolen Ring

Hate It Or Love It? Hillary Clinton Crooner Mary J. Blige Is Back With “Thick Of It”

Check Out Mary J. Blige’s New Single “Thick Of It” Fresh off her roast worthy interview with Hillary Clinton, Mary J. Blige drops her new single “Thick Of It”. This marks the first time Mary has dropped a song as a single woman in the wake of her recent divorce from Kendu Isaacs. What you think? Mary still got it? Image via Instagram

The rest is here:
Hate It Or Love It? Hillary Clinton Crooner Mary J. Blige Is Back With “Thick Of It”