Tag Archives: role-or-get

Teen Mob Steals Jeans From Chicago Store in a Flash

A surveillance video of a Chicago flash mob robbery shows a group of about 20 teens allegedly stealing over $3,000 worth of jeans over the weekend. CBS 2 reports that Mildblend Supply Co. owner Luke Cho posted the surveillance video on YouTube, hoping the images help police find the teen mob. That or keep parents on alert, in hopes that the culprits will be outed one way or the other, perhaps shamed enough that they’ll turn themselves in.

Miley Cyrus on Twitter: Look at My Thong!

We might wanna find Miley Cyrus a new movie role or get her into a recording studios one of these days. Because the 19-year old has way too much time on her hands, at least based on her latest Twitter photo. Following harmless, self-published shots of herself on July 4 and with a new hair color , Cyrus took to the social network last night and sent out a picture of herself in her “lucky tee shirt.” And also in a see-through dress. View for yourself: What do you think, readers? Does Miley need to find herself a hobby that does NOT include flaunting her underwear for the world to see? Miley Cyrus Tweeting this photo is…

See the original post here:
Miley Cyrus on Twitter: Look at My Thong!