Tag Archives: find-herself

Magdalena is Out of Control of the Day

You give a girl a VS deal, then take it away from her, and end up with this.. Amazingness… Her name is Magdalena, she’s Polish, came from Poverty, got a Victoria’s Secret deal back when they were paying huge 6 figure deals to these women, gets fired years ago, tries to find herself and now is som medicated looking, still hot as fuck mess….posing naughtier and naughtier pics of herself to help build out her personal brand. She is annoying to watch, but not annoying to look at…when acting like this and I support all girls who are cunts at the top, who fall off and have to work their way back up…it’s that grounding they all need…and that comes with ass pics. Some videos: The post Magdalena is Out of Control of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Magdalena is Out of Control of the Day

McKayla Maroney’s Big Cleavage Show

I know it’s a tough world out there for former Olympians. I guess there’s just not really much work for professional trampoliners and shotputters. And that’s why I’ve been really glad to see former gold medal-winning gymnast McKayla Maroney find herself a second career as a professional Instagram model/hot nobody. This is so much better than wasting that killer cleavage of hers inside one of those orange Home Depot vests.

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McKayla Maroney’s Big Cleavage Show

Victoria’s Secret Models Being Lame as Fuck of the Day

Like LALA LAND, Victoria’s Secret models are overrated as fuck and I can’t be friends with anyone who thinks they are cool… They are overpaid, egotistical, garbage women who are basically prostitutes who surround themselves with rich dudes when they aren’t working, despite having a lot of money, and they just have very little to offer the world….not to mention all the content they produce is some cheesy spokesmodel shit…like this vapid bullshit…and I fucking hate it… That said, they are all tall and skinny and have little hot tits in their push up bras…and there is nothing wrong with that…except maybe that there is EVERYTHING wrong with that…. I like the land rover though…..would be better if it was on fire and models were running for their life…I mean give me something to work with her, some kind of storyline, what the fuck. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Victoria’s Secret Models Being Lame as Fuck of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Victoria’s Secret Models Being Lame as Fuck of the Day

Lesbian Kristen Stewart Tits in Personal Shopper of the Day

It’s safe to say that lesbian Kristen Stewart is trying to find herself, find her identity as a terrible actor, fight for the Oscar, hell they gave one to Anne Hathaway for shaving her head – they will definitely will get her one for showing her tits…because that’s what all Oscar winners need…. Give this lesbian titty a chance… The post Lesbian Kristen Stewart Tits in Personal Shopper of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Lesbian Kristen Stewart Tits in Personal Shopper of the Day

Miley Cyrus on Twitter: Look at My Thong!

We might wanna find Miley Cyrus a new movie role or get her into a recording studios one of these days. Because the 19-year old has way too much time on her hands, at least based on her latest Twitter photo. Following harmless, self-published shots of herself on July 4 and with a new hair color , Cyrus took to the social network last night and sent out a picture of herself in her “lucky tee shirt.” And also in a see-through dress. View for yourself: What do you think, readers? Does Miley need to find herself a hobby that does NOT include flaunting her underwear for the world to see? Miley Cyrus Tweeting this photo is…

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Miley Cyrus on Twitter: Look at My Thong!

Trailer: Albert Nobbs Really, Really, Really, Really Wants Some Oscars

Albert Nobbs star Glenn Close took a bit of a tumble in this week’s Oscar Index thanks in part to Michelle Williams’s surge and ongoing speculation around both Meryl Streep’s chances and Viola Davis’s staying power. So what better time to introduce the Nobbs trailer, a tidy, heartstring-tugging bit of awards-season gloss for a role whose actress may yet again find herself on the outside looking in?

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Trailer: Albert Nobbs Really, Really, Really, Really Wants Some Oscars

Mila Kunis Is Too Damn Cute

Here’s Mila Kunis killing time under an umbrella on the set of some project she’s working on. I somehow doubt it’s a story about a young woman trying to find herself with a series of lesbo-erotic encounters, but I’m not giving up hope just yet. Anyhow, she’s just too damn cute, I want to take her home and squeeze her…. Forever. That was creepy. The good news is that her jeans look like they’re painted on…. I have some moist towelettes handy if she wants me to help her wash them off. more pictures of Mila Kunis here

Lindsay Lohan Shows Off Her Cannes

Everyone knows there’s a party going on over on the French Riviera so obviously Lindsay Lohan is going to hop on some rich old man’s jet and get her boozing little ass over there. Here she is in Cannes working the red carpet, trying to find some sort of job and showing off the sweet front meat that we like so much. I think it’s time Lindsay throws in the towel, she’s had a good run, she should find herself a rich European sugar daddy or momma and retire. She could spend her days lying around on a yacht in her bikini getting hammered on expensive champagne. Actually that sounds pretty good. Sign me up.

Janice Dickinson — Now Accepting Applications

Filed under: TV Janice Dickinson wants to be Demi Moore — as in she wants her own version of Ashton Kutcher — so she’s getting a dating show to find herself one. Dickinson will get her own “Bachelorette” style show, which she’s putting together with Wikked … Permalink

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Janice Dickinson — Now Accepting Applications

Bachelorette Jillian: Our Love Is Real! (Despite Cheating Claims)

Did The Bachelorette find herself a two-timer? That was the question put to the newly engaged Jillian Harris as she and made-for-TV fiancé Ed Swiderski appeared on Good Morning..

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Bachelorette Jillian: Our Love Is Real! (Despite Cheating Claims)