Tag Archives: som-medicated

Magdalena is Out of Control of the Day

You give a girl a VS deal, then take it away from her, and end up with this.. Amazingness… Her name is Magdalena, she’s Polish, came from Poverty, got a Victoria’s Secret deal back when they were paying huge 6 figure deals to these women, gets fired years ago, tries to find herself and now is som medicated looking, still hot as fuck mess….posing naughtier and naughtier pics of herself to help build out her personal brand. She is annoying to watch, but not annoying to look at…when acting like this and I support all girls who are cunts at the top, who fall off and have to work their way back up…it’s that grounding they all need…and that comes with ass pics. Some videos: The post Magdalena is Out of Control of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Magdalena is Out of Control of the Day