Tag Archives: romney-attacks

About Face: After Blasting Obama for Romney Attacks, Mayor Cory Booker Quickly Releases Video Backtracking


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On Sunday, Newark, NJ, Mayor Cory Booker grabbed headlines by criticizing the Obama camp for its attacks on Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital. “To me, we’re just getting to a ridiculous point in America,” he said on “Meet the Press” Sunday morning. “Especially, I know, I live in a state where pension funds, unions and other people are investing in companies like Bain Capital. If you look at the totality… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 21/05/2012 00:12 Number of articles : 5

About Face: After Blasting Obama for Romney Attacks, Mayor Cory Booker Quickly Releases Video Backtracking