Tag Archives: ronnie-kroell

Jake Pavelka Nude: On Playgirl’s Must-Have List

Will Jake Pavelka be showing us what he never showed Vienna Girardi or his previous ex? Yes … if Daniel Nardicio, V.P. of marketing at Playgirl, gets his way. The magazine has extended Jake an offer, he says. Jake hasn’t commented on this yet, but Nardico says “We’re determining the value of a shoot with Jake, who exemplifies our classic American guy at Playgirl . ” “Most people realize that reality show fame is fleeting and largely a dead end for actors, so this is a way to extend that fame, and make a nice profit off of it.” “It’s obvious he likes the limelight, and I intuit that he looks good naked,” adds Nardicio of Pavelka, who’s going through a nasty breakup with Vienna Girardi . Jake’s gonna mull this one over. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] However unfounded they may be, the recent slew of rumors that Jake Pavelka is gay can only help enhance his appeal to this particular magazine’s readership. What would the publication pay for the Pavelka package? Nardicio says Jake will receive “definitely six figures, but where in that range I am still determining.” How does one go about determining that? “I have a large number of factors that I add together to figure out a model’s worth,” says Nardicio. “I guess like a c*** calculator.” Words fail us at this time . Brought on to revamp Playgirl , Nardicio did so in a big way with the recent Levi Johnston and Ronnie Kroell issues, both of which have been huge sellers. His next subject: Skid Row musician and Celebrity Rehab cast member Phil Varone. “He’s a man among men where it counts, if you get my drift,” Nardicio says. Wait … we don’t follow.

Originally posted here:
Jake Pavelka Nude: On Playgirl’s Must-Have List

Reality Television Star Gets Totally Naked for Playgirl

It’s not every day that a reality television star actually admits he wants us to see him naked. Remember Ronnie Kroell, the openly gay runner-up on season one…

Reality Television Star Gets Totally Naked for Playgirl