Tag Archives: ronnie-on-insta

Ashley Jones SLAMS Farrah Abraham: You’re a Nobody and Your Plastic Surgery Sucks!

Another day, another D-list Farrah Abraham feud. This time, Farrah is once again going at it with a former friend. Just a few short weeks ago, Ms. Abraham and Teen Mom Young and Pregnant star Ashley Jones appeared to be thick as thieves. Those days are long gone, however, and the former besties are currently exchanging some brutal (and highly amusing) insults on social media. Take a look:   1. Inter-Generational Beef Farrah is a former OG Teen Mom, and Ashley is a new addition to the franchise, but the moms have bonded over their shared contempt for one another. 2. The Beginning It all started when Ashley and Farrah hung out at a party in LA on December 16. 3. A Promising Start Interestingly, the ladies hit it off at first, and Ashley posted video of the two of them dancing together on her Instagram page. 4. The Backlash Not surprisingly, Ashley took a fair bit of criticism from her followers, as Farrah isn’t exactly a beloved figure among Teen Mom OG fans. 5. The Clapback “Everyone’s mad that I ran into Farrah at a party as if I was supposed to ‘check’ her or be rude to her,” Ashley tweeted in response.. “She’s done nothing to me this isn’t high school.” 6. The Farrah Defender “You guys can dislike her all you want, but I’m grown enough to develop my own opinion about a person,” Jones added. View Slideshow

Ashley Jones SLAMS Farrah Abraham: You’re a Nobody and Your Plastic Surgery Sucks!

Ronnie Magro: Look What Jen Harley Did to My Face!

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is bloodied, bruised and battered. There is no debate over statement, not after the Jersey Shore star shared photos of his face with Us Weekly . The question is whether or not baby mama Jen Harley is responsible for this appearance. Ronnie says yes. He has filed a police report against Harley , alleging she tossed an ashtray at him on New Year's Eve. For her part, Jen has not said anything about this particular incident — but she has accused Ronnie of destroying her home . The situation between these reality stars could not be uglier, and we have the latest update (including one of these bloody Ronnie photos) below… 1. Together for Christmas Yup, this really is a photo of Ronnie and Jen on Christmas, looking like a normal and very loving family. 2. Look at Those Mugs Even! Hubby and wife? We don’t think they’re married, or even engaged, but on December 25, things never looked to be more serious between the reality stars. 3. But Now? These holiday-themed photos only make us feel terrible for the children in them, not filled with joy over Ronnie and Jen having moved past their issues and found common, content ground. 4. Six Days After These Photos Were Snapped, Ronnie and Jen Got Into a Fight Even for them, this one sounds serious. It took place at the Hustler’s Club around 2 a.m. on New Year’s Even and it allegedly started because Jen spilled a drink on her man’s shoes. 5. Shouting Ensued and Ronnie Stormed Away But that wasn’t the end of it, according to Harley. She called the police when she got home a little after 3 a.m. and saw that her home was ransacked. 6. She Accused Ronnie of Doing the Ransacking Nothing was taken from the residence, but Jen’s TV was smashed to bits, as were many photographs and their frames. The attack seemed personal View Slideshow

See original here:
Ronnie Magro: Look What Jen Harley Did to My Face!