Tag Archives: rubiks-cube

New Rubik’s Cube World Record

I hope this gets him laid one day!. Continue reading

Dear Hollywood: 5 Films in Development We Actually Want to See

Sometimes reading news about Hollywood’s development slate is almost as depressing as the front-page stories about the economy. Between a Ouija Board movie , McG’s 300 -style Christopher Columbus film and last week’s news ambush about a Flip-cam movie and a Rubiks Cube movie, it’s sometimes tempting to just stay inside and pray that The Walking Dead , 30 Rock and Boardwalk Empire keep up their quality. But don’t despair! Movieline has found five projects in development that sound potentially interesting if not downright fantastic. Check them out after the jump, and chime in with your own ideas for movies in development that Hollywood should get into theaters sooner rather than later.

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Dear Hollywood: 5 Films in Development We Actually Want to See