Tag Archives: ruins-marriages

Kate Upton’s Hot Bikini Tits of the Day

This is Kate Upton for some shit called Beach Bunny….she’s got an amazing fucking set of tits and is the kind of 19 year old pussy you want to lust after, which according to my new Christian friend is a sin cuz it ruins marriages and porn is the work of the devil, but luckily for all of us God forgives all sins, making all this good as long as you repent and mean it right before you die….I mean just to be safe cuz you never know….. Either way, take it in, cuz in a few years, the rest of her will catch up to her tits…it’s a scientific fact… Another fact, I’m at the porn convention in Vegas…I should be socializing with tits…in person…rather than talking about some photoshopped model shit…and that’s just what I’m gonna do..

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Kate Upton’s Hot Bikini Tits of the Day